Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I now have moved this blog to my new website .
Please click on this link to my new blog:

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click on this link for my new website. 

My New Website

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Madonna Davidoff at CBIG ( Childrens Book Illustrators Group) illustrator Directory

My colored illustration and as a member and 
former officer of CBIG (Childrens Book Illustrators Group) based in New York City,
 I am included in the CBIG Illustration directory. 

Here is my colored Promo page:

It can be viewed at the CBIG ( Childrens Book Illustrators Group) website below:

(Madonna Davidoff on page 30)

Madonna Davidoff at CBIG illustration Directory

As a member & former officer of CBIG (Childrens Book Illustrators Group) based in New York City, I am included in the CBIG Illustration directory.

 Here is my Black and white Promo page: 

It can also  be viewed at the CBIG ( Childrens Book Illustrator Group ) website below:

(Madonna Davidoff on page 29)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Madonna Davidoff illustration sample

A sample of my illustration with an image of a car that resembles a Citroen 2CV
This is also based on a fable story called Country Mouse City Mouse

© Madonna Davidoff

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Madonna Davidoff artworks at the Brooklyn Central Library Fairy Tales Exhibition 2015

I am one of the 20 artists from CBIG (Childrens Book Illustrators Group)
exhibiting at the Brooklyn Public Library (Central Library) for the Fairy Tales Exhibition .

The exhibit will be at the Youth Wing of the Brooklyn Central Library from 
June 11- Sept.25, 2015 located at Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11238.

Here are the two original artworks I created for the show entitled: 

1) Pele,the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire

 Balinese Hansel & Gretel

Thursday, April 30, 2015

ABFE Art Auction to Benefit Free Speech in Children's Books

Here is the book cover illustration and design I created which will be included at the
ABFE Art Auction to Benefit Free Speech in Children's Books at
the Grand Hyatt New York, Manhattan Ballroom
on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 5:30 to 7:30 pm. 

(Tickets required and may be purchased through the ABFE website) You can buy tickets here: http://www.bookweb.org/aba-bookexpo-america-2015-special-events#bea-abfe.

If you're going to Book Expo this year, please join The American Booksellers for Free Expression (ABFE) on May 26th from 5:30 to 7:30 at The Grand Hyatt Hotel to celebrate children's book art with Judy Blume and leading artists! More than 100 pieces of original art by luminaries such as Rosemary Wells, Jon Agee, LeUyen Pham and Chris Raschka will be auctioned to support the free speech rights of kids. This year ABFE is honoring Judy Blume for her anti-censorship work and is asking artists to create a piece inspired by one of her books

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I am leaving this week for Asia

I am traveling again: 
This time to Hongkong, Bali and Australia
below, my travel checklist:

illustrated by Maria Madonna Davidoff

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Madonna Davidoff at the New Museum NYC

As a member of the CBIG Childrens' Book Illustrators Group, based in NYC, I will be one of the artists to paint the gallery walls (today, Feb. 16, 2014) in a Collective Participatory Artwork at the New Museum in New York City. This is part of the New Museums's first US Exhibition for Pawel Althamer which features the Artist's Iconic Portraits and Sculpture Workshop.

Cover Image: 
Paweł Althamer, Draftsmen’s Congress, 2010. Exhibition view: 7th Berlin Biennial, 2010.
Courtesy the artist, Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw, and neugerriemschneider, Berlin

The exhibition will include a new presentation of the artist’s work, Draftsmen’s Congress, originally presented at the 7th Berlin Biennial.  During the course of the exhibition, the blank white space of the New Museum’s Fourth Floor gallery will be transformed through the gradual accumulation of drawings and paintings by invited Art organizations, including the CBIG.

About the New Museum
The New Museum is the only museum in New York City exclusively devoted to contemporary art. 
Found­ed in 1977, the New Museum is a center for exhibitions, information, and documentation about living art­ists from around the world.  the New Museum continues to be a place of experimentation and a hub of new art and new ideas.

The New Museum is located at 235 Bowery New York, NY 10002 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Madonna Davidoff Illustrations

Below are three of the latest samples of my illustrations :

Colored illustrations

 SPOT illustrations

Black and white illustrations

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Book I Illustrated at the New Jersey ( Mercer County) Public Library System

There's nothing like seeing one of the  books I illustrated featured 
on the shelves of the Children's book area at one of
the branches of the New Jersey Public Library ( Mercer County)

 Today, I had my picture taken behind the book entitled " Momsie's Book"
written by my hubby Bart Davidoff, published by Bali Bliss Press. 

Momsies’ book includes a memoir entitled "Natie and Me"
 originally written and illustrated by Muriel Shutan-Davidoff in which
she describes her childhood adventures growing up in New Haven
in the late 1920's with her
  younger brother Nate. 

Below is the Mercer County Library online Catalog including " Momsie's Book"

" Momsie's Book  is also available at Amazons and Lulu.com

and it is also availabe at the Book Garden bookstore in Frenchtown NJ,
28 Bridge Street Frenchtown, NJ 08825

Here's a picture of myself with " Momsie's Book" at the Book Garden

All Images copyright 2012 Maria Madonna Davidoff

Thank you for visiting. Please ask permission before using any of my images.

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